If you are lucky enough to live near a costal community, you may often take for granted the beauty that surrounds you at every moment, and how quickly it can all change. For instance as we walk along the beach and watch the clouds and fog roll in, you see the locals shuttling along chatting, looking and seemingly nonchalant. But you can spot the "tourist" immediately because they've got the smartphone or camera snapping away! Why? Because they see the beauty that the locals might take for granted. I know many photographers that do this, me included, even when we're carrying a smartphone! Maybe your local oasis isn't a coastline, maybe it's a secluded mountain valley, or a bend in a river. The point is that we've all heard the cliche "Stop and Smell the Roses" etc., and we blow it off.
As image-makers we have the see the beauty in everything, everyday. It's there, we just have to pull it out. And never blow off a foggy day, you never know what you'll get when it lifts!